Thursday, November 7, 2013

The 15 Minute Brazilian Wax at Wax Me Too Salons

So you think you want to try the brazilian wax?  And why not?  You've heard about it.  It's fun, it's sexy and it definitely beats shaving!

But wait a second. How can a waxing be fun?  At Wax Me Too Salons across Utah, their estheticians have made it a point to make waxing fun.

Your first time into the salon you experience some nervous apprehension and you look at your esthetican who with a big grin asks if you're nervous and then proceeds to tell you to take off your pants.  Don't panic! She isn't going to stand around and watch you undress, but is going to leave the room and give you some needed privacy.

It may seem quiet in the room, but if you listen, you will hear the sounds of laughter and chatter around you ( along with the radio turned on to hip hop, or country, or whatever your waxer may like....but never never spa/ elevator muzak).

Most Wax Me Too Salons have several treatment rooms and being booked from early to late, if you were to sit and watch, you would probably see people you know coming in for their monthly waxing service.  And one thing to note, is when the old client comes it, the greeting is expressive, the client and waxer are delighted to see one another, and the talk is continuous as they catch up on the goings on from their last visit.

Because waxing, especially the brazilian, is ALL they do at Wax Me Too, you will find the service quick and efficient.  It won't be as bad as you think. Yep, there is definitely some "ouch" factor, but no worse than that nick you got shaving, or the ingrown hair you got from ....shaving.

15 minutes and voila.  You are finished.  Your waxer again leaves the room with a set of easy instructions to follow on clean up and before you know it, you are paying your bill AND booking your next appointment.

If brazilian waxing was that think, then why are all these women doing it!

The Brazilian, it's fun, it's sexy (just wait till you get home and your significant other gets to see) and it for sure beats picking up and using a razer every day!

What are you waiting for?  Book that appointment here and now!