Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Best Valentine's Day Gift EVER!!! Win a FREE WAX

What could be more perfect for Valentine's Day than a FREE WAX at a Wax Me Too Salon in Utah.

Just click here to enter to win a Free Wax

February 14th is the most romantic day of the year.  We see love and hearts and flowers, engagements, weddings, bubble baths, champagne, lobster dinners and lots of kisses!

Make sure you are ready for this big day with having hair free and smooth skin, whether its on your upper lip or along the curve of your leg, not to mention the bikini area.

Waxing is a great way to rid oneself of fuzzies and stubble and plain old annoying hair.  Waxing removes hair from the root creating a soft surface that remains hair free for many weeks.

At Wax Me Too Salons ( 5 locations in Utah) we have a big upsurge in appointment requests the week before Valentine's Day so put us on your list.  The Brazilian wax is our most requested service. You can be sure that each of our estheticians is skilled in the art of brazilian waxing and will give you the perfect wax each and every time.

Getting engaged? Are you going to be looking down at your future fiancee as he bends on one knee? Then make sure your eyebrows are perfect!  At Wax Me Too, we design brows, we don't just wax them!

Going someplace warm with your honey for Valentine's Day?  Think about shorts and swimsuits...We do lots of full leg waxing, half leg waxing and underarms during the winter months. Not only do you become hair free in minutes, but your skin gets a gentle exfoliation from the waxing process removing dead skin cells and leaving legs smooth and pretty!

Booking with us is easy, you can do so online, you can text, or you can call our main line at 801-572-7771

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Utah Snowbunnies, Sundance Film Festival and Brazilian Waxing

Utah snowbunnies, Sundance Film Festival and Brazilian waxing...how does it all tie together?

Sitting at my computer this am and as I look out over the snow covered valley, I can't help but think about all the women and men flocking to the streets of Park City to take part in the annual Sundance Film Festival.

Every year in January, Hollywood comes to Utah and as the crowds grow large, our phone at the Wax Me Too office rings off the hook.  Waxing in January?  Heck ya!  Because we all know waxing and being hair free is not only glamorous and sexy, but essential in today's world.

And who wants to be more glamorous and sexy than the lovely ladies of Utah who don their cute clothes and hats and head to Park City to mingle with the exciting visitors from Hollywood?  I will have to say our Utahans give the California stars a run for their money!  Women in Utah are not only used to the cold and can handle the snow and ice ( you won't see high heels walking down Main Street Park City from a local) but there is a freshness and joie de vive from living in our state.

Hence, at Wax Me Too Salons ( 5 in Utah) we have a lot of locals coming in for their waxing before attending Sundance.  And not so surprisingly, we get tons of calls from visitors who didn't have time to wax before heading to our great state.

Everyone has a brazilian wax these days, whether its through waxing or shaving.  We highly recommend keeping your razor away from your lady bits.

So whether you are a Utah local ( who we adore) or a visitor from another planet ( Cali) (just teasing there) come on in and see us for your next wax.

Sign up for a FREE BIKINI WAX
Book with us ONLINE
Call to make an appointment 801-572-7771
Visit our FACEBOOK
But most importantly, stay warm out there!