Friday, November 11, 2016

Throw that Sucker Away!

If there is just one thing you should throw away today, it's your razor!  And I'll tell you why.

1. Razor burn
2. Nicks and cuts
3.Never Smooth
4.Some areas are hard to reach
5.Hair grows back thicker
6. STUBBLE- ug
7. Old Fashioned 

Waxing is the way to go.  And, I'll tell you why.

1.Long lasting - a typical wax leaves you hair free for 3 to 4 weeks
2. In most cases prevents ingrown hairs
3. Exfoliates dead skin cells (buh bye) 
4.Makes hair grow in thinner and more fine
5. After several waxes you will notice a smoothness to skin
6. Affordable at Wax Me Too
7. Sexy, Smooth, and Amazing results

At Wax Me Too our number 1 requested service from Layton to downtown Salt Lake, to Draper, to Orem to St. George is THE BRAZILIAN WAX.

In the winter when skin tends to become more dry here in Utah, our next most requested service is Full Leg Waxing!  Everyone wants smooth skin under their yoga pants!

Making an appointment is easy.  You can CALL, You can TEXT, You can book ONLINE!

801-572-7771  (call)

801-898-0086  (text) 

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