Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's the Little Things...

It's no secret that at Wax Me Too Salons our number one requested service is the popular brazilian bikini wax! But what you may not know is that we have numerous appointments on our books for the littlest of things!

While we wax bikinis all day long, there is a huge demand for facial waxing. Yep, that's right folks. Facial hair on a man, well, that's ok! But facial hair on a woman...? We women tend to go a little nuts when it comes to that odd wiry hair that appears randomly on our chins, or the little fuzz of mustache that seems to grow (and glow) in the sunlight. And eyebrows! Can't have a unibrow, or a a straight line across the top of our faces can we?

Facial waxing is in high demand at Wax Me Too. One week I counted the number of brows and lips that were waxed in our Draper store. 98! 98 women came into our salon, not for their bikinis, but for their facial hair!

While it is simple to pop into any salon, beauty or hair salon and have your facial hair removed you really should explore your options and chose a salon that meets your strict standards. Facial waxing isn't expensive. A decent eyebrow design will cost anywhere from $15 to $20. For a full list of prices, you can visit our website here.

Just the other day, I was in a nail salon having a last minute pedicure. A mother and her two teenage daughters came in and asked for brow waxes. As a salon owner, I was very interested in the procedures and observed quietly.

The first teenager sat into the pedicure chair and had wax (which was too thin and hot) quickly swiped across her lower brows, upper brows and in the middle. The technician then pressed the muslin to her skin and rip rip rip rip rip. 5 rips. The service was done in just under one minute.

The girl howled in pain, the technician looked a little worried and started to apply lotion. She said..."it's normal to be red". Meanwhile, the teenager didn't look convinced. The mother then, showing a modicum of concern, said "She is really really red. She's is using accutane."

A big red flag! Folks using accutane ( an anti-acne medication) NEVER EVER should wax. Why? Because it rips the skin right off and causes a lot of pain to the one being waxed.

First mistake, the waxer didn't ask for the girls history. If she had, and if she knew her business, she would know that the teenager was not a good candidate for waxing. Second mistake, the waxer didn't design the teens brows, she didn't take care to look at what would work best for her face, she just applied the wax and ripped it off.

My point is, you can get facial hair removal anywhere. You can have your brows threaded (but we will leave that for another post) You can have your lip hair removed with honey wax, blue wax, hard wax, soft wax, wax that smells like chocolate. That fur on the sides of your face, easy to de fuzz!

When you wax at a Wax Me Too salon you can be sure that we will first, make sure you are a good candidate for wax by asking you your history of meds and topicals, second, cleanse your skin before applying any wax, third, test the wax to make sure its not too hot which can cause burning, and lastly, make sure we are correctly shaping your eyebrow, removing the right hairs without damaging your skin.

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